Wetland Birds of the NSW Murray-Riverina Region

There is a wonderful diversity of birds in the NSW Murray and Riverina regions that rely on wetlands for at least part of their lifecycle and ultimately for their survival. Each wetland species requires a different range of habitats within wetlands to feed and breed, and each has their own ecological ‘story’. A single wetland or even a farm dam can provide many of these different habitats that will support a huge diversity of birds and other wildlife.

PeeKdesigns were contracted by Murray Local Land Services to create a large format poster that represented this diversity of birds and the habitats in-which they live and breed. Hard-copies of this poster have been printed in A0 and A1 size and limited copies are available from Murray Local Land Services offices in Albury and Deniliquin.

This poster includes a selection of 60 birds, from common to threatened, that can be found in wetlands, along riverbanks and around farm dams, from the upper reaches of the Murray catchment to the floodplains.

Each bird species has been photographed by wildlife photographer Peter Merritt and the habitat images are a compilation of 15 images by photographers Kelly Coleman (PeeKdesigns), Chris Tzaros (Bush Birds and Beyond) and Simon Dallinger. Thanks also goes to Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group for their support on this project.

Featured Wetland Birds

1. White-necked Heron 2. White-faced Heron 3. Cattle Egret 4. Little Egret 5. Great Egret 6. Intermediate Egret 7. Nankeen Night Heron 8. Little Bittern 9. Australasian Bittern

10. Glossy Ibis 11. Straw-necked Ibis 12. Australian White Ibis 13. Royal Spoonbill 14. Yellow-billed Spoonbill

15. Plumed Whistling Duck 16. Australian Wood Duck 17. Freckled Duck 18. Blue-billed Duck 19. Musk Duck 20. Black Swan 21. Magpie Goose 22. Australian Shelduck 23. Hardhead 24. Pacific Black Duck 25. Australasian Shoveler 26. Pink-eared Duck 27. Grey Teal 28. Chestnut Teal 29. Great Crested Grebe 30. Hoary-headed Grebe 31. Australasian Grebe 32. Australian Pelican

33. Darter 34. Great Cormorant 35. Little Black Cormorant 36. Pied Cormorant 37. Little Pied Cormorant

38. Buff-banded Rail 39. Spotless Crake 40. Australian Spotted Crake 41. Baillon’s Crake 42. Dusky Moorhen 43. Australasian Swamphen 44. Eurasian Coot 45. Black-tailed Native-hen 46. Brolga

47. Latham’s Snipe 48. Common Greenshank 49. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 50. Australian Painted Snipe 51. Black-winged Stilt 52. Red-kneed Dotterel 53. Black-fronted Dotterel 54. Red-capped Plover 55. Masked Lapwing 56. Silver Gull 57. Whiskered Tern 58. Caspian Tern

59. Azure Kingfisher 60. Sacred Kingfisher