Weeds of North West NSW
We partnered with Melaleuca Enterprises to produce two identification and management glovebox cards about weeds of north west NSW. This project was undertaken for North West Local Land Services.
The project brief was to design 2 brochures that highlighted a select number of weeds on each as well as a management calendar. The content was going to be researched and supplied by Michelle McKemey from Melaleuca Enterprises.
The first part of the brief was simple – plant identification. We needed to be able to utilise available space to (A) fit in the required plants and (B) display enough of the photos to allow for field identification. It took 3 iterations to get the right layout for the content.
The second part of the brief took more time to work out – the management calendar. We settled on using icons to display the various management techniques that could be used on the weeds at different times of the year. The intent being that this provided a farmer with a basic level of knowledge about what management technique to employ, but if they wanted further advice then they could contact their nearest Department of Primary Industries or Local Land Services office.
The resulting products not only had to be prepared for printing, but also had to be made prepared for online distribution and meet government accessibility guidelines. The printed result was 2 x 4pp A5 landscape brochures with a gloss cello glaze to help protect them in the field.
North West Weeds – Grasses and Shrubs
North West Weeds – Herbs, Vines, Cactuses and Aquatic Plants