Pests in Irrigation Landscapes
The Pests in Irrigation Landscapes resources were developed for Riverina Local Land Services as part of Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre’s 2015 Creative Catchment Kids program. The resources consist of:
- Teacher resource book – containing information on the two key irrigation districts of the riverina region, species that are currently under threat and the cause of some of those threatening process… pest fact sheets.
- Student activity book – containing 13 different activities for Stage 3 students to be used in conjunction with the resource book.
By using these resources students will:
- learn about the classification levels of threatened species.
- identify what can be done to look after the local threatened species.
- take a closer look at what threatened species are in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area and the impact feral animals and weeds have on native wildlife and agricultural production.
- learn how some feral animals’ adaptations have enabled them to spread so easily across Australia.
To download these resources, go to the Wirraminna website.