Interactive Resources


Our primary goal is to make learning a truly enjoyable experience. We craft interactive learning resources designed for schools and community groups. It is a pleasure to hear of people actively engaged in our environmental and cultural learning interactive resources.

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Our Work

Marine Estate Agents Program banner

Marine Estate Agents Program

Fostering lifelong learning of the marine estate in NSW primary schools.

Adventures at your place

Adventures at Your Place

Fun activities for kids to undertake in their own backyard or at school.

EcoGroms and their Sea Turtle Adventures

Sea turtle adventures

Watch, listen and learn about sea turtles with this interactive resource.

Hunter River Catchment

Looking after the Hunter River catchment

Interactive screen of kids message about looking after the Hunter River.

Who's living around your farm?

Who’s living around your farm?

Learn about the East Gippsland wildlife that could be living near your farm.

Are you a catchment crusader?

Be a Catchment Crusader

Come and play our NEW interactive game and become a crusader for the Hunter Catchment.

Kids in a patch of khaki weed

Weeds to Watch in the Murray Region

Learn about the weeds of the Murray Region through this interactive online resource.

Mystery Bay Sea Country Excursion

South Coast Sea Country in NSW

Using classroom activities, videos and excursion materials to learn about South Coast Sea Country.

Hop Into Frogs

Hop Into Frogs!

An education package for learning about frogs around Corowa, NSW.

Project - Parrot of the Lower Lachlan Valley © Chris Tzaros

Parrots of the Lower Lachlan Valley

Education package on three key parrots of the lower Lachlan Valley.

Southern bell frog

Saving the southern bell frog

Supports Years 3-6 students learning about an Australian threatened species.

Bush Stone-curlew © Chris Tzaros

Learning about Bush Stone-curlews

A new resource for students to learn about the iconic Bush Stone-curlew.

Squirrel Gliders on Apple Books

An interactive book about the conservation of Squirrel gliders.
