Hop Into Frogs!
Hop Into Frogs! is a teaching resources that has been created for students and educators in the Corowa region to support frog-related learning opportunities and experiences in schools. It is tailored to the local environment and local frog populations.
Hop into frogs provides students with a real-life application while encouraging the exploration of wider environmental issues and environmental citizenship in class and outside of school.
There are two main components of Hop into Frogs – the teaching resource and an interactive presentation.
Teaching resource
The teaching resource is broken into two sections:
All about frogs: This provides technical background content for teachers to learn more about frogs, the species found around the Corowa region and the habitats where they occur. Teachers are encouraged to use this background content with students to support further research and investigations into frogs.
Class activities: This provides a range of activities for teachers to run with their Stage 2 and 3 students. Teachers can tailor these activities to suit the younger Stage 1 students, as well as older Stage 4 students. Each unit of activities is aligned to the content presented in the interactive presentation.
Download Teacher ResourceInteractive presentation
The interactive presentation is an online resource that can be used on desktop computers, SmartBoards, tablets and even smart phones. The class activities have been linked to the content in the presentation with many activities requiring access to various Slides to complete the class work.
There are four sections to the presentation, with a number of options for navigating through the slides. If in doubt, you can click on the Home icon located on each page, or click on the Info button located on each section title page.
At the end of each section is a pop quiz that students can complete to test their knowledge.
For more details, including how to use the resource and the Sloane’s Froglet Song, head over to the Corowa District Landcare website.