First People’s Culture within the Murray Region of NSW
A collaboration
First People’s Culture with the Murray Region of NSW has been prepared by PeeKdesigns and Petaurus Education Group consultants in consulation with the Ngarigo, Wiradjuri, Wamba Wamba/Wemba Wemba, Bangerang/Pangerang, Mutthi Mutthi, and Barapa Barapa/Perrepa Perrepa people.
The material in this document was developed over several years and every attempt was made to ensure its accuracy. Extensive consultation with Aboriginal organisations, Elders, individuals and communities was the key to this project. However, as in many families, there will always be differences in recollections, stories, memories and interpretations amongst Traditional Owners, land councils and Elders on Aboriginal history, traditions and culture.
In preparing this document, the insights, knowledge and information provided by Aboriginal people over the three years has been treated with great respect. We trust that teachers, students and other users will also treat the material with great respect.

What’s included?
This resource provides a range of information and activity sheets to help teachers and students within the Murray region of New South Wales learn about Australia’s First Peoples.
It has been designed to assist teachers in meeting the requirements of the ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures’ cross-curriculum priorities contained within the Australian Curriculum.
We strongly recommend this resource be used in conjunction with contacting your local Aboriginal community as they have a wealth of experience and knowledge that will help enhance your students learning about First People’s culture.
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