Aboriginal Area Education Packages
In 2012, we partnered with Melaleuca Enterprises to develop education packages for Deriah and Terry Hie Hie Aboriginal Area, northwest NSW. Our client, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (National Parks), requested a resource package that included:
- a site overview – including bus directions, site facilities and suggested itineraries
- instructional notes for staff/guides/teachers
- syllabus aligned activities that could be completed onsite for grades 1-6 (stages 1-3)
- provide two excursion opportunities for each syllabus stage in history and science
- additional activity suggestions that could be completed in class pre- or post-excursion
Education Packages
These education packages provides teachers with excursion options and activities to Deriah Aboriginal Area and Terry Hie Hie Aboriginal Area for Stage 1 to 3 of the NSW Syllabus. Gamilaraay language has been incorporated throughout these packages to help users familiarise themselves with the traditional language.
If you are interested in participating in an excursion to these locations, please contact the NSW National Parks Narrabri office on 02 6792 7300.